Introduction - The Coz-E
This is the build log (and other relevant information) for my cozy-derived electric canard airplane.
You can think of this as a Cozy Mark IV with the rear seats replaced with a large battery compartment and an electric motor. Because that’s what it will be.
Unlike my digital garden, which provides more generic knowledge and things I’ve gathered, this site is intended to scope down to the Coz-E.
Using this site
Pages are organized on the sidebar to the left. It’s sorted alphabetically, and most top-level sections have nested subsections. Sections with the chevron next to them can be expanded to show additional subsections. You can also search for things by clicking or tapping on the search icon in the top left.
There is an rss feed to track updated articles here. You can also paste any article’s URL into your rss reader and it should discover the feed.
Recent Work
The pages that I’ve recently been working on.
- Chapter 7 - Fuselage Exterior (2023-11-28)
- Chapter 8 - Shoulder Brace, Safety Belt Mount (2023-11-13)
- Fiberglassing Techniques (2023-08-07)
- Chapter 6 - Fuselage Assembly (2023-04-12)
- Chapter 5 - Fuselage Sides (2022-12-14)
- Chapter 4 - Bulkheads, Instrument Panel, Front Seatback and Temporary Firewall (2022-12-06)
- Mods to Investigate After Flight Testing Phase 1 (2022-11-27)
- Materials Used (2022-09-09)
- Automated Epoxy Dispenser (2022-08-28)
- Introduction - The Coz-E (2022-08-25)
Last updated: 2022-10-30 11:22:17 -0700