Fiberglass Cabinet

Unlike the workbench, this is joined mostly with butt-joints. This doesn’t need to support a ton of weight, so butt joints held together with glue and screws is perfectly fine for this.

Bill of Materials

First, the actual materials and lengths needed to construct this. This is made primarily with 2x4 studs (which are actually 1.5 x 3.5 inches, because of course they are).

2x4 studs:

  • 2x 60“ (for the backplate)

  • 2x 33.5“ (for the front support)

  • 2x 30“ (Giving extra depth for the fiberglass container)

  • 6x 48“ (4 for the “rails” supporting the front and back of both the top surface and the bottom shelf, then 2 for the top part, covering the fiberglass container)

  • 6x 24“ (the “ribs” of the top surface and the bottom shelf)

Plywood. half-inch or even quarter-inch is fine.

  • 2x 48“ x 27“ sheets (The shelves)
  • 1x 48“ x 31“ sheet


  • Screws. I used 3 inch #8 screws for most of the frame. For securing the fiberglass container, you’ll want longer screws, 5 inches or so should work.
  • a single 48“ x 24“ (or so) sheet of whiteboard.
  • Bunch of wood glue.

Raw Materials

Because you won’t be able to find individual pieces cut to the exact size, these are examples of how you can obtain the required materials in the necessary lengths.

The “remaining material” assumes the cuts are made with a 1/8 inch blade saw blade.


  • 2x studs, cut to 60“ and 33.5“ (2.25“ remainder)
  • 2x studs, cut to 48“ and 30“ (17.75“ remainder)
  • 2x studs, cut to 48“ and 48“ (0 remainder - and it’s ok that one is going to be slightly short)
  • 2x studs, cut to 48“, 24“, and 24“ (0 remainder. It’s ok for the short side to be on one of the 24“ cuts)

In total, 8x 8’ studs.


From a single 4’x8’ sheet, you can cut it length-wise into the sizes specified.


  1. Cut studs to lengths specified
  2. Create the rear-frame by joining via butt-joints the 60“ studs, and 3 48“ studs.
  3. Attach the studs for the fiberglass container
  4. Attach via butt-joints the “ribs” of the shelves to the rear-frame.
  5. Attach the front “legs” as well as the rib to the frame
  6. Attach the plywood to the back and the shelves.

Last updated: 2021-07-26 20:57:50 -0700