
MGS 335 Epoxy

The MGS 335 Epoxy should be mixed at a 100:38 resin:hardener ratio. This means the following:

Total EpoxyResinHardener
60 g (~2 oz)43.48 g16.52 g
120 g (~4 oz)86.96 g33.04 g
180 g (~6 oz)130.43 g49.57 g
240 g (~8 oz)173.91 g66.09 g

Don’t try to mix more than 8 ounces (~240 g) in a batch. If your layup requires more than 8 ounces, make multiple batches. Mix enough epoxy for a 3:4 ratio of epoxy to fiberglass by weight (that is, mix 75% as much epoxy as fiberglass by weight).

Slurry, Wet and Dry Micro

Mix the glass bubbles with already-mixed epoxy.

MaterialDesired ConsistencyRatio (Balloons:Epoxy) (by volume)
SlurryAlmost same as epoxy1:1
Wet MicroSags or runs like thick honey2-4:1
Dry MicroPaste that does not run or sag~5:1

Apply Dry Micro with a putty knife. Apply Wet Micro and Slurry with brushes.


As with Slurry and Micro, mix the flocked cotton with already-mixed epoxy.

MaterialDesired ConsistencyRatio (Cotton:Epoxy) (by volume)
FloxJust enough to make the mixture stand up~2:1
Wet FloxSag or Run

When using flox to bond a metal part, be sure to sand the metal dull with 220-grit sandpaper. Also paint pure epoxy (no flox) on the metal part prior to bonding with flox.


3M Glass Bubbles

Wear googles and dust mask when mixing!

3M Glass Bubbles Material Safety Data Sheet

Last updated: 2021-10-12 21:29:46 -0700